Monday, December 1, 2008
4 Months Old
Sean and Evan are doing good. They celebrated their four month birthday a little while ago. Last week they had their doctor's appointment where Evan weighed in at 13 lbs and 9 oz (22.5 in long) while Sean was 14 lbs 13 oz (24 in long). They are a little behind in length but their weights have caught up. Their cheeks look nice and healthy! Developmentally they seem to be progressing - lots of smiles, cooing, grabbing at the jungle gym... Evan even laughed this past week (sweet music to our ears). They may be teething already as well. We are very happy and relieved.
With the onset of colder weather, our entire house has been fighting a cough at the very minimum including the boys (who are the most healthy ones right now). Since they were premature and it's cold season, Sean and Evan get RSV vaccine shots every month to ward off that icky virus (Gretchen had it last year and it was miserable). I have never washed my hands so much.... Poor Gretchen is not allowed to touch the boys until she washes her hands and then if she coughs we make her wash them again. I'm not a germaphobe but I don't want these boys to get sick! I don't think I can do any more hospital visits this year!
Thanksgiving was really nice - we have got the turkey down to a science. We had Steve's cousin and his family in addition to his mom, sister and aunt. It was very festive having more people at dinner - a tradition I would like to keep every year. We're looking forward to Christmas. Gretchen is really into this year and her enthusiasm is contagious. We decorated the house the day after Thanksgiving and started the Advent calendar to help count down the days! We're going to try to do a letter to Santa this week now that Gretchen wants everything for Christmas!
With the onset of colder weather, our entire house has been fighting a cough at the very minimum including the boys (who are the most healthy ones right now). Since they were premature and it's cold season, Sean and Evan get RSV vaccine shots every month to ward off that icky virus (Gretchen had it last year and it was miserable). I have never washed my hands so much.... Poor Gretchen is not allowed to touch the boys until she washes her hands and then if she coughs we make her wash them again. I'm not a germaphobe but I don't want these boys to get sick! I don't think I can do any more hospital visits this year!
Thanksgiving was really nice - we have got the turkey down to a science. We had Steve's cousin and his family in addition to his mom, sister and aunt. It was very festive having more people at dinner - a tradition I would like to keep every year. We're looking forward to Christmas. Gretchen is really into this year and her enthusiasm is contagious. We decorated the house the day after Thanksgiving and started the Advent calendar to help count down the days! We're going to try to do a letter to Santa this week now that Gretchen wants everything for Christmas!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Thing 1 and Thing 2

For Halloween Gretchen was the Cat in the Hat and the boys were Thing 1 (Evan) and Thing 2 (Sean). They were so cute!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Getting Big

Well, our little boys are getting bigger! Last week they had special shots for RSV so they were weighed at the doctor's before the shot. Evan is 10 lbs 13 oz and Sean is 12 lbs and 1 oz. They are starting to fill out their clothing as well. I am putting them in 3 month stuff (it's still a little loose but their three month birthday was a few days ago). We had a nice open house last week - we appreciate everyone who could make it. Now that I am back to work, we are readjusting our schedule. Steve and I are both getting up at night in hopes of each one of us feeding one baby and getting back to sleep faster. If one person feeds both, it could take over an hour sometimes. The boys are still eating every three to four hours so we are getting up a lot. Since they are off the apnea monitors (that happened at the end of Sept), we have them sleeping in their room now instead of in the pack n play in the living room. Gretchen shockingly sleeps through most of their nighttime crying. I hope that lasts.... We are seeing more smiles and cooing than before so hopefully their development catches up as fast as their weight! They definitely have different little personalities surfacing. Evan is more laid back while Sean is a little more vocal. Anyhow, they are doing well. We are very, very sleep deprived right now but other than that, I have no complaints! Looking forward to the week I have off at Thanksgiving! As always, recent pictures are at Flickr.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Came up for air

We are getting close to the end of maternity leave. I miss work but I will miss my babies too. It is challenging to say the least to have twins - someone is always needing you so you feel like someone else is getting shorted a little. I pray that it all balances out in the end as I desperately try not to favor one child over another (this includes Gretchen). We have had to rearrange the structure of our lives - every activity seems to take a lot more planning. I remember that from when Gretchen was a baby but it seems worse with twins. We have given up on some of our extra activities or causes since our family needs more attention. It is hard for me to admit I can't do everything but I don't have much choice I think... At least I'm done with school!!!
My sisters came last week to visit which gave me an opportunity to do things I miss like cook, run errands, etc. It was nice to feel a little carefree and run out to the store when I needed to. I even made my first batch of smoked ribs last week (Steve trained me well). I have been getting out more this week with the boys now that my sisters are gone. One weird thing that I have noticed - wherever we go, people will go out of the way to look at the babies. Many tell me they know someone who has twins. I don't think I was prepared for the natural curiosity over twins but I am trying to get used to it since it happens everywhere. For example, at the pediatric eye doctor yesterday I counted six different people or groups of people who came over to inspect my boys. I don't like the extra attention but I am taking it as a compliment and trying to tolerate it as best as I can. After all, they are cute.... Hee!
Here are some pictures from this fall... look how big the boys are getting!
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Feeder and Grower

There is a preemie term "feeder and grower" for babies who just need to eat and gain weight to get out of the NICU. My boys seem to be doing just that at home.... They are eating four ounces at every feeding and seeming to be growing extra chins. Sean is up to 8 lbs and 6 oz while Evan is at 7 lbs 6 oz. Evan is still a pound lighter and an inch shorter after their two month appointment with the pediatrician. The schedule is still pretty rough - they sleep at the most 4 hours at a time but usually not. Steve and I are splitting it so I can keep my sanity. He lets me sleep from 9pm to 11pm or 12am and then I take the rest of the night so he can sleep (he is back to work and I am not). I am hoping they sleep longer by the time I go back to work but I am not holding out too much hope. The doctor says they are doing good for their age and seem to be thriving. We are relieved.... My sisters are coming to visit in a few weeks so I am excited.... It is good to have visitors at least for a little while!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Still Standing
I know I haven't posted lately because well, frankly, I have been trying to sleep when we are not taking care of the babies and Gretchen. Finally today I figured I need to get back to reality (what day is it?) and post some pictures. Both boys are doing good - gaining weight, sleeping, etc. They are still eating every three hours and now that Steve is back to work, I am doing nights with them. If it were one baby, it would be so easy but it takes an hour to feed two babies. Only Sean has got the hang of nursing but sometimes I don't have that kind of time if Evan is crying his heart out to get fed at the same time.... I feeling more myself - that first week was a doozy! I don't know when a family of five will feel "normal" but I am looking forward to Halloween when Gretchen will be The Cat in the Hat and the babies will be thing one and thing two... Hee!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
The House Time Forgot

What a homecoming! I knew it would be a lot of work but really the main problem is sleep deprivation. Steve and I are feeding the babies in shifts. He gets the 11pm to 3am, I get the 3am to 7am. We have swapped with each other but neither shift is all that easy to do. I am going to miss Steve when he goes back to work. Steve's mom said she could come over so I can get a nap once Steve goes back to work. I will be taking her up on that! Hopefully they will be sleeping longer when I go back to work next month... While we are trying to "enjoy this time" (that is the advice everyone gives you about babies), having twins really complicates that advice. People also advise to "sleep when the baby sleeps" which we try to do but with twins, you are usually feeding the other baby while one is sleeping. We are thankful however to have them home so we can get on with our lives even if that means no sleep. We are really trying to get to know the babies and get down their rhythms and routines.
Anyway, the boys are doing good. The monitors are cumbersome but we are happy to have them. Sean has had a few episodes mostly around feedings (which the NICU told us to turn them off during feedings). We are adjusting to a family of five, especially Gretchen. She is giving them kisses and pats but she doesn't understand how delicate they are so we cannot leave her unattended for any amount of time with the babies (which can be exhausting). I think we were all relieved to get her out of the house this weekend for a birthday party for one of her friends.
Speaking of birthdays, Steve's birthday was yesterday. I got him twin boys! Can't take them back..... Hee!
Sorry I have been late to respond to phone calls and emails. Obviously I have my hands full. Just know that we appreciate all the kind words, meals, emails and gifts.
Check out the most recent pictures....
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Boys are home!
We have our boys home - they are on apnea monitors but that's giving me some peace of mind anyway. We got word suddenly so we were go, go, go until late at night. We are exhausted! Gretchen is impressed - she thinks they are cute. Anyway, I will post some pictures later. I need to go eat something. I'm tired, hungry, thirsty, and need to hold a baby.... : )
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Well, I don't know what to think. Sean had another episode this morning. He gets really close and then has an episode. I am frustrated and heartbroken. Maybe next weekend. They are talking about preparing Evan to leave Monday or Tuesday but it's really hard for me to believe anything anymore.
Friday, August 22, 2008
No News
The nurses were asking me today when the boys were going home. I looked at them and said "don't you know?". The doctors have not given me a date. I know with Sean we are waiting for five brady/apnea episode free days (Saturday is the fifth day). Evan is unclear but he should be close too. He has done well off of the caffeine so I asked them to get the car seat test done for him (that's a step to going home) as Sean has already passed. They both passed their eye tests today (no ROP) but they have to go back for a follow up in two weeks. We're planning on hitting Babies R Us this weekend to get some final stuff. It feels like there is a light at the end of this tunnel but I don't want to be too excited. I just keep praying for their health and safety.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Month Old

Tomorrow the boys will be a month old. They are definitely getting bigger. Sean hasn't had any episodes since the 19th so Sunday would be the earliest he goes home. Evan is doing well off of the caffeine. He is scheduled to get his circumscion this week. Both will get eye exams tomorrow. Both are gaining weight. Sean is close to six pounds and Evan is close to five pounds. I am feeling upbeat but you never know what will happen!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Tuesday Was Better

After yesterday, I was kind of dreading the hospital today but of course I could not avoid being there. Sean (is the baby without the hat in these pictures) was a little fussy in the morning and was desatting (dropping oxygen levels) here and there. I was worried about him again and my confidence was shaken a bit by the last few days. The afternoon went better - he seemed more peaceful and was breathing nicely. The doctor talked to me about possibly taking Sean home with a monitor when he has made his five brady-free days. A home monitor sounds daunting but I will be a nervous wreck when he comes home so maybe it's good. I'll post more when I know more about it.
Evan (pictured with a hat on above) had his feeding tube taken out because he's taking all bottle feeds now. I was happy to see his little chubby two chinned face! He seems to be doing good. Like I posted yesterday, I do not want to get too excited. He has a history of setbacks so I don't want to celebrate yet. So just check out his little cutie pie face!
Tomorrow Steve is off so we are taking Gretchen to Six Flags. Part of me would rather be at the hospital but it's better to take advantage of the time we can spend with just her since we will not have that kind of freedom very soon. When I think of it that way, I know it is the right thing to do.
It's Going to Be a Long Week
It turns out Sean had another brady on Sunday evening where he required oxygen. The nurses assure me this is just due to prematurity but it is hard to take. On Monday he another brady in my arms which is hard for me to cope with too often (last time it happened while I was holding was over a week ago). I am worried for him and have been praying for him. Other than the brady episodes, he has a little diaper rash. They had him laying with his naked butt in the air to help dry out his bottom. I got a picture of it but haven't posted it yet. It's cute...
Evan is seemingly getting his act together. He took two bottles for me in under ten minutes when it was normally taking him 30 minutes. The nurse on Monday said "maybe the light bulb in his head finally went off". It's a funny way to put it but let's hope she is right. He is off the caffeine and is still gaining weight. He is now four pounds and ten ounces. He hasn't had any apnea episodes but part of me is holding my breath.
Monday was rough. I came home crying (the nurses were hugging me which I take as a bad sign) because of the brady Sean had in my arms. Steve made me feel better. I know intellectually that all will work out in time but that does not always help emotionally. Tomorrow is another day thankfully!
Evan is seemingly getting his act together. He took two bottles for me in under ten minutes when it was normally taking him 30 minutes. The nurse on Monday said "maybe the light bulb in his head finally went off". It's a funny way to put it but let's hope she is right. He is off the caffeine and is still gaining weight. He is now four pounds and ten ounces. He hasn't had any apnea episodes but part of me is holding my breath.
Monday was rough. I came home crying (the nurses were hugging me which I take as a bad sign) because of the brady Sean had in my arms. Steve made me feel better. I know intellectually that all will work out in time but that does not always help emotionally. Tomorrow is another day thankfully!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Feeling better today - I was in the dumps yesterday. Sean is fine - no more episodes. He's eating, gaining weight, filling diapers... He is healing from his circumcision (poor thing). Evan is still working on bottle feedings still. He is getting better with each feeding. He got his last dose of caffeine today. They will keep an eye on him to make sure he is not desatting (oxygen level in his blood drops). If he has issues, they will put him back on the juice. So we'll see.... Maybe next weekend will be the magical weekend that a baby comes home. You never can tell!
We have had a lot of support from family, friends and our church. People have been bringing us food, emailing us, calling us and we greatly appreciate it. I don't always get back to people as quickly as I would like to but I am trying! Thank you all for being so generous in time and spirit!
We have had a lot of support from family, friends and our church. People have been bringing us food, emailing us, calling us and we greatly appreciate it. I don't always get back to people as quickly as I would like to but I am trying! Thank you all for being so generous in time and spirit!
Saturday, August 16, 2008
False Alarm
Sean was supposed to come home today. However he had a very bad apnea/brady episode last night so he will not be coming home. I am disappointed but really scared for him. The doctors say it just happens from prematurity but it's hard not to worry.
Evan is doing good. He is up to 4 lbs and 7 oz so maybe he will catch up to Sean. He is only bottle feeding every other time since he gets tired. Evan is on his own time schedule that's for sure.
I was worried about having the boys separated if Sean came home but I guess they will be together now for at least five more days......
Evan is doing good. He is up to 4 lbs and 7 oz so maybe he will catch up to Sean. He is only bottle feeding every other time since he gets tired. Evan is on his own time schedule that's for sure.
I was worried about having the boys separated if Sean came home but I guess they will be together now for at least five more days......
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Going Home?
Sean might be coming home this weekend - we're in a wait and see mode. I am not getting my hopes up again. Even though I was scared to bring him home last time, I was so heartbroken when we didn't get to that I am not getting excited until they call me and tell me to bring his going home outfit!
Evan on the other hand will be there for a while. He is slowly getting better at bottle feeding. Once he is taking all of food in a bottle, they will wean him off of the caffeine. Once that happens, they have to wait several days until it's out of his system completely to see if he is breathing okay on his own. It sounds like Evan won't be home for at least a week and half more. I am hoping to get him home by Labor day (that's my worst case scenario day in my head).
I am very lonesome today - the carpet for their room is being installed so I am not sure when I will get to visit them in the hospital. Like the weekends, I get kind of ancy if I don't get to hold my babies.... At least the room will be close to ready...
Evan on the other hand will be there for a while. He is slowly getting better at bottle feeding. Once he is taking all of food in a bottle, they will wean him off of the caffeine. Once that happens, they have to wait several days until it's out of his system completely to see if he is breathing okay on his own. It sounds like Evan won't be home for at least a week and half more. I am hoping to get him home by Labor day (that's my worst case scenario day in my head).
I am very lonesome today - the carpet for their room is being installed so I am not sure when I will get to visit them in the hospital. Like the weekends, I get kind of ancy if I don't get to hold my babies.... At least the room will be close to ready...
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Turning a Corner Maybe?

Sean is doing good - no more brady episodes so far. He is 5 pounds now and is eating great! Evan is off of the nasal cannula but still has a feeding tube. He is still on a bed instead of an isolette or crib but the nurses were talking about moving him to a crib today. He is starting to take bottles but not at every feeding. They don't want to push him too hard and I agree. He still has tape on his face for the tube and possibility of the cannula (that's him in the picture!). I am hesitantly excited to see his progress but it's possible he will still need oxygen but maybe the caffenine is finally working! At any rate, I feel positive! Maybe this will be over in 10 days or so... Joy!
Monday, August 11, 2008
Waiting Game
Sean has had another bradycardia this weekend (an episode where the heart rate drops) which is not uncommon for a baby his age. Preemies forget to breathe sometimes and their heart rates drop during apnea spells. Anyway, the hospital wants him to be "brady free" for five to seven days before allowing him to go home so it will be at least another week from today for him to go home. Sigh.... While I am relieved a little since it's scary for him to have these spells, I am heartbroken at the same time. I do wish I didn't feel anything at all sometimes because it would make this a lot easier but I can't help it. I am growing very attached to my little babies. They have little personalities and funny faces. I know it will be over soon - I just have to keep reminding myself of that....
Evan is doing better I am happy to report. He is off of the high flow nasal cannula and on a regular oxygen nasal cannula. He is gaining weight and has started bottle feeding. I gave him a full bottle (35mL) today and he did great. Maybe in this week he will finally catch up to Sean a little. I don't want to get too excited though since I know he needs to go at his own pace.
All in all we are okay and coping. I know some of my friends are worried for me. I can say that I am pretty good for six out of seven days in a week. I usually fall apart a little one day a week but Steve jumps in when he sees my face fall and takes care of me. I am glad he knows me so well!
Here are today's pictures of Sean and Evan. Plus another video of Sean.... (only because I want to show them off....)
Evan is doing better I am happy to report. He is off of the high flow nasal cannula and on a regular oxygen nasal cannula. He is gaining weight and has started bottle feeding. I gave him a full bottle (35mL) today and he did great. Maybe in this week he will finally catch up to Sean a little. I don't want to get too excited though since I know he needs to go at his own pace.
All in all we are okay and coping. I know some of my friends are worried for me. I can say that I am pretty good for six out of seven days in a week. I usually fall apart a little one day a week but Steve jumps in when he sees my face fall and takes care of me. I am glad he knows me so well!
Here are today's pictures of Sean and Evan. Plus another video of Sean.... (only because I want to show them off....)
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Long Weekend
Well, Sean had a few episodes last night that may or may not compromise his release. I will know more later today hopefully. Evan is still on two liters of oxygen but it's room air so he is relying on the flow more than the oxygen purity. He lost a little weight but we expected that. Yesterday I got a lot of time with Evan - I feel like he needs it though I spent a lot of time feeding Sean. Sean had an apnea episode yesterday that scared me to death. I was feeding him and he forgot to breathe and lost all the color in his face. His oxygen level dipped. I stopped feeding him and started burping him to get him to breathe. It worked but it really freaked me out. My heart was racing for a few hours after that.... His nurse says it's normal for that to happen to preemies and that she was glad I experienced it in the hospital so I understand how to deal with it if it happens at home. Yikes! I was getting nervous about Sean coming home but now I am not sure when that will happen based on last night. It's up and down for us I guess.....
Here is a video of Sean and one of Evan. Evan is wired and antsy (I think from hunger and maybe caffeine). Sean is drifting to sleep.
Here is a video of Sean and one of Evan. Evan is wired and antsy (I think from hunger and maybe caffeine). Sean is drifting to sleep.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Patience is a Virtue I Don't Have Sometimes

Evan is still struggling a bit with his oxygen levels. The neonatologist looked at his chest x-ray and explained that what is happening to him is not that unusual. Apparently the little sacs in your lungs should be soft but Evan's are stiff due to prematurity. They will be giving him doses of caffeine to help keep the sacs open in his lungs so he does breathe, the breaths will be deeper. He doesn't have an infection as all of his tests have come back okay. He is also on a high flow nasal cannula that is delivering oxygen to him so he doesn't drop in oxygen levels. If he does well with the caffeine, they can take him off of the oxygen. There are no long term effects of caffeine so I am hopeful that is helps him. Sadly it is a setback in terms of going home soon but it's something time will heal hopefully.
Sean is doing much better - in fact they are saying he is a big show-off because he is doing stuff he shouldn't be doing yet. He is taking all of his feedings from a bottle, he is maintaining his body temperature and has been transferred to an open air crib. They removed his feeding tube as well so he almost wireless. If his weight gain persists and he continues to do well he may be able to come home in four days. However, babies burn calories bottle feeding when they are this young so it's possible his weight gain will slow down.
So I have mixed feelings. I would love to be able to take them home together but it's not going to happen. I feel good that at least Evan is likely to get better. I just need to be patient!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Evan is better. He did really well on the oxygen. His x-rays were okay. They did see a small spot on his lung so they thought it could pneumonia. The neonatologist did not think it was that so I am not sure how long he will be on antibiotics. They are feeding him again though and he seems much better. So I am hoping this was just a bump in the road. Of course they will have to increase is food slowly and decrease his oxygen slowly so it may take a day or two to get him back where he was.
Sean is doing well. I got to nurse him a little on Tuesday. I am so amazed a baby that small knows exactly what to do. I also bottle fed him. He seems to be doing really well with the bottle feeds. They are slowly bringing down the temp in his isolette to help prepare him for maintaining his own temp.
Finally, the other two babies that have been in the nursery with the twins went home this week. Their parents were so happy. I can't wait for that to be us. Maybe in a few weeks.....
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
The doctor called us at 11pm last night to let us know that they were putting Evan back on oxygen and an IV. He was having episodes were his heart rate and oxygen saturation were dropping all day (I witnessed it a few times myself) and his color was bad so they felt it would be good to help him with the breathing. It sounds like it is related to the stomach problems he was having so they gave him an x-ray that came back okay. They also did blood work that came back okay. He is on antibiotics in case it's an infection. We'll know the results of the blood cultures in 48 hours which presumably will tell us if he has an infection. It's probably nothing but it worries me of course. I was feeling too calm I guess so now I have something to worry about..... Heading to the hospital early today so I can spend extra time holding Evan. I don't know if it is true but they say frequent contact with your premature baby helps make them stronger while in the hospital...
Monday, August 4, 2008
Two Week Birthday
is tomorrow.... And they have made progress. Evan's IV is out and he is taking feedings in a gavage tube (through his nose) consistently. He is up to 35mL at each feeding. He is still having some apnea episodes that the nurses are watching. I think he might get a cannula if it persists but they have not done that yet. Both have surpassed their birth weight finally (all babies lose a little weight after birth) so they are growing. Sean is eating consistently so much so they tried him on a bottle Sunday which went well. He took 25 mL in a bottle the first time and 15mL the second time. They are only going to do one or two bottle feeds a day so as to not wear him out. Sucking/eating from a bottle is a learned experience where babies have to learn how to stop the flow of milk and breathe. All in all it is going well but the progress happens slowly so we're still looking at 3 more weeks probably. Sigh.... One of the other moms told me that it will go by quickly. I hope so.
While we waiting, we are finishing up the babies room. The room was measured for new carpet which we hope to get installed in the next few weeks. We are shopping for the second crib now as well so it will be ready. I will be pulling out the bottles and washing the clothes we have for them too. We have received some very nice gifts from several people so I have many thank you cards to write. We are touched and overwhelmed by the generosity of our family and friends. There are not enough words to express our gratitude but I will do my best as I write the cards.
While we waiting, we are finishing up the babies room. The room was measured for new carpet which we hope to get installed in the next few weeks. We are shopping for the second crib now as well so it will be ready. I will be pulling out the bottles and washing the clothes we have for them too. We have received some very nice gifts from several people so I have many thank you cards to write. We are touched and overwhelmed by the generosity of our family and friends. There are not enough words to express our gratitude but I will do my best as I write the cards.
Friday, August 1, 2008
My Boys

Thursday, July 31, 2008
Already a Week Old and Counting
It has been over a week since they were born. No weight gains yet but we hope to see it soon. Evan is off the oxygen but still has an IV. Hopefully his digestion issues clear up so he can get off of the IV this week. Sean is doing good - just eating and growing. Both of their ultrasounds came back and were good so there is no bleeding on the brain. I have gotten to know the other babies in the NICU - Lucas and Hayley (or is it Kaylee - not sure). They are hopefully close to going home. Their mothers are often there at the same time I am there. They both look tired like this experience has aged them. Both they also look so expectant - I recognize it in their faces. I try to remember that is how I will look in a month (hopefully - we have no real idea when they will come home). So now I pray for them while I pray for Evan and Sean.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Day 8
Not much new to report. Evan is eating 15 ml now and doing better with digestion which means maybe he can get rid of that IV. He has kicked out an IV already so they have to keep his little legs separated to keep him from doing it today. They both got ultrasounds on their heads today to check for bleeding. Apparently it is common for premature babies to have bleeding on the brain due to their fragile blood vessels. My doctor had me take steroid shots in June to help with lung development and the steroids also help prevent the bleeding as well. Hopefully we'll have the results tomorrow. I got to hold both of them today and their eyes were open a lot. It's weird to have this tiny tiny face look up at you. It was a good visit all in all.
Here are some new pics of Evan and Sean.....
Here are some new pics of Evan and Sean.....
Monday, July 28, 2008
Day 7
Not much new to report today. Sean is up to 30ml of food through the feeding tube so he should start bottle feeding soon. The doctor says at 33 weeks (which would be a week from now) but the nurses think sooner. Apparently he does have a mild sucking reflex so they have been offering the pacifier to him (and to Evan) to encourage sucking. Evan had to get a new IV today (the old one was leaking - probably because he was kicking it) so I didn't get to hold him. Hopefully tomorrow. However I did hold Sean skin to skin today. I was so nervous having him on my chest because it didn't look like he could breathe but he was fine. Evan went back on the cannula but just 1 liter of oxygen. They were hoping to bump up Evan's intake of milk but he is not consistently digesting it so they had to back it down. Apparently two steps forward and one step back is the mantra of the special care nursery. Sigh...♦
I have been depressed over the idea that the majority of my maternity leave would be spent at the hospital and not at home with the twins. I was talking to another mom whose daughter had been there a month and every time they are close to her coming home something happens. It was a sobering realization for me that they could be there so long. Steve has had the worst case scenario time in his head but today was the first time I really believed it. I didn't think I would spend all day at the hospital but now I am wondering if I shouldn't just spend more time there since it's all I'm going to get.
I am hoping to get some better sleep tonight. I haven't slept well at all and am so physically exhausted that I am not sure at times how I am still standing upright. I saw my doctor today to discuss this and other ailments. She says I will be fine - just give it some time....
I will probably start updating less if there are no significant changes. I know people are checking the blog for updates so I will keep posting stuff but it might just be pictures some times since I make sure to get a photo of each of them every day. I think at the end of all this we can compare the pictures and see the growth in them just at the hospital.
I have been depressed over the idea that the majority of my maternity leave would be spent at the hospital and not at home with the twins. I was talking to another mom whose daughter had been there a month and every time they are close to her coming home something happens. It was a sobering realization for me that they could be there so long. Steve has had the worst case scenario time in his head but today was the first time I really believed it. I didn't think I would spend all day at the hospital but now I am wondering if I shouldn't just spend more time there since it's all I'm going to get.
I am hoping to get some better sleep tonight. I haven't slept well at all and am so physically exhausted that I am not sure at times how I am still standing upright. I saw my doctor today to discuss this and other ailments. She says I will be fine - just give it some time....
I will probably start updating less if there are no significant changes. I know people are checking the blog for updates so I will keep posting stuff but it might just be pictures some times since I make sure to get a photo of each of them every day. I think at the end of all this we can compare the pictures and see the growth in them just at the hospital.
Day 6 Update

I am happy to report that the boys are doing better. Sean's IV was removed so he is almost wireless. He still has a feeding tube and is waking up before feeding times (which means he's hungry). They may start him soon on the next milestone which would be feeding by mouth. His nurse says that he quiets down if they come over and touch him which practically made me start bawling right there! Evan is also doing good. He is off of the oxygen altogether so we can see his face. Steve got to hold Evan this time while I held Sean. These little milestones give us a lot of hope that we will be able to bring them home soon!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Day By Day
We took Gretchen with us today and she did pretty good. We only stayed an hour (Steve only 20 minutes, I took 40 min). I got to hold Evan for the first time. He was taken off of the CPAP and is on the canula now. He's doing better but apparently not so great with eating. His stomach needs to mature more so there is an IV in his foot/leg. He has gotten a lot more vocal which the nurses tell me is good (he has made a peep all the times I visited). Today I heard him raise a good fuss. Both babies are on the photo therapy blankets though Evan got a really big blue light on him. Their bilirubin counts are going down with is good. Sean is also progressing. He is taking 20 ml of milk at each feeding in his feeding tube. He is off of the oxygen altogether and was placed in an isolette. He is looking good!
I took a little video of Evan but as soon as I hit record, he got quiet on me!
I took a little video of Evan but as soon as I hit record, he got quiet on me!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Baby Blues

Well both of the boys are jaundice so they are on photo therapy blankets (which are usually blue). Gretchen also had one of the blankets for a few days when she was born so it's no big deal. Evan was taken off of the ventilator today and put on a CPAP machine. It's a little mask he wears over his nose. Today's picture of Evan is very blue because of the blanket. Steve got to hold Sean finally and it made for some cute pictures. We're anxious to hold Evan - maybe tomorrow. We want to see him on room air soon as well. It was very hard leaving them today at the hospital. I feel like a piece of me is missing but I know it's a blip in time so I will be patient. On a lighter note, I think Gretchen is happy I am home (though she keeps hitting me in my tender midsection!)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Sean and Evan are doing well. Today Sean was taken off of the CPAP machine and just has a little oxygen in his nose. I got to hold him for the first time. The nurse told me he is a little spunky! It was great to hold him and very touching. Evan is doing better but is not progressing as fast as Sean. He is still on a ventilator but may move to a CPAP machine tomorrow. I go home tomorrow so it will be hard leaving them but I will visit a lot. They don't want us to stimulate the boys too much while they are hooked up to machines but they encourage us to hold their hands or feet or lay our hands on their body and hold still. It was amazing to see them breathe better and calm themselves the minute I put my hands on them. Truly amazing....
I would also like to take this opportunity to say thank you. So many friends and family members have emailed us or facebooked us to say congrats and send prayers. We feel truly blessed to have such good friends and support. I cannot describe how comforting your prayers and thoughts have been for us. Thank you!
I will continue to post updates on the boys here especially during their hospital stay but even after that. Remember to bookmark it and you can check for updates whenever you want!
I would also like to take this opportunity to say thank you. So many friends and family members have emailed us or facebooked us to say congrats and send prayers. We feel truly blessed to have such good friends and support. I cannot describe how comforting your prayers and thoughts have been for us. Thank you!
I will continue to post updates on the boys here especially during their hospital stay but even after that. Remember to bookmark it and you can check for updates whenever you want!
Birth Day July 22nd
Due to complication, we gave birth to the boys today. We welcome Evan Daniel (3lb 14oz 17in) and Sean Thomas (4lb 6oz 17in) to our family. They will both need to stay in the hospital for a few weeks while they mature enough to go home. Both Mom and the babies are doing ok... (I am too)
Here are some pictures
Here are some pictures
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