Thursday, July 31, 2008
Already a Week Old and Counting
It has been over a week since they were born. No weight gains yet but we hope to see it soon. Evan is off the oxygen but still has an IV. Hopefully his digestion issues clear up so he can get off of the IV this week. Sean is doing good - just eating and growing. Both of their ultrasounds came back and were good so there is no bleeding on the brain. I have gotten to know the other babies in the NICU - Lucas and Hayley (or is it Kaylee - not sure). They are hopefully close to going home. Their mothers are often there at the same time I am there. They both look tired like this experience has aged them. Both they also look so expectant - I recognize it in their faces. I try to remember that is how I will look in a month (hopefully - we have no real idea when they will come home). So now I pray for them while I pray for Evan and Sean.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Day 8
Not much new to report. Evan is eating 15 ml now and doing better with digestion which means maybe he can get rid of that IV. He has kicked out an IV already so they have to keep his little legs separated to keep him from doing it today. They both got ultrasounds on their heads today to check for bleeding. Apparently it is common for premature babies to have bleeding on the brain due to their fragile blood vessels. My doctor had me take steroid shots in June to help with lung development and the steroids also help prevent the bleeding as well. Hopefully we'll have the results tomorrow. I got to hold both of them today and their eyes were open a lot. It's weird to have this tiny tiny face look up at you. It was a good visit all in all.
Here are some new pics of Evan and Sean.....
Here are some new pics of Evan and Sean.....
Monday, July 28, 2008
Day 7
Not much new to report today. Sean is up to 30ml of food through the feeding tube so he should start bottle feeding soon. The doctor says at 33 weeks (which would be a week from now) but the nurses think sooner. Apparently he does have a mild sucking reflex so they have been offering the pacifier to him (and to Evan) to encourage sucking. Evan had to get a new IV today (the old one was leaking - probably because he was kicking it) so I didn't get to hold him. Hopefully tomorrow. However I did hold Sean skin to skin today. I was so nervous having him on my chest because it didn't look like he could breathe but he was fine. Evan went back on the cannula but just 1 liter of oxygen. They were hoping to bump up Evan's intake of milk but he is not consistently digesting it so they had to back it down. Apparently two steps forward and one step back is the mantra of the special care nursery. Sigh...♦
I have been depressed over the idea that the majority of my maternity leave would be spent at the hospital and not at home with the twins. I was talking to another mom whose daughter had been there a month and every time they are close to her coming home something happens. It was a sobering realization for me that they could be there so long. Steve has had the worst case scenario time in his head but today was the first time I really believed it. I didn't think I would spend all day at the hospital but now I am wondering if I shouldn't just spend more time there since it's all I'm going to get.
I am hoping to get some better sleep tonight. I haven't slept well at all and am so physically exhausted that I am not sure at times how I am still standing upright. I saw my doctor today to discuss this and other ailments. She says I will be fine - just give it some time....
I will probably start updating less if there are no significant changes. I know people are checking the blog for updates so I will keep posting stuff but it might just be pictures some times since I make sure to get a photo of each of them every day. I think at the end of all this we can compare the pictures and see the growth in them just at the hospital.
I have been depressed over the idea that the majority of my maternity leave would be spent at the hospital and not at home with the twins. I was talking to another mom whose daughter had been there a month and every time they are close to her coming home something happens. It was a sobering realization for me that they could be there so long. Steve has had the worst case scenario time in his head but today was the first time I really believed it. I didn't think I would spend all day at the hospital but now I am wondering if I shouldn't just spend more time there since it's all I'm going to get.
I am hoping to get some better sleep tonight. I haven't slept well at all and am so physically exhausted that I am not sure at times how I am still standing upright. I saw my doctor today to discuss this and other ailments. She says I will be fine - just give it some time....
I will probably start updating less if there are no significant changes. I know people are checking the blog for updates so I will keep posting stuff but it might just be pictures some times since I make sure to get a photo of each of them every day. I think at the end of all this we can compare the pictures and see the growth in them just at the hospital.
Day 6 Update

I am happy to report that the boys are doing better. Sean's IV was removed so he is almost wireless. He still has a feeding tube and is waking up before feeding times (which means he's hungry). They may start him soon on the next milestone which would be feeding by mouth. His nurse says that he quiets down if they come over and touch him which practically made me start bawling right there! Evan is also doing good. He is off of the oxygen altogether so we can see his face. Steve got to hold Evan this time while I held Sean. These little milestones give us a lot of hope that we will be able to bring them home soon!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Day By Day
We took Gretchen with us today and she did pretty good. We only stayed an hour (Steve only 20 minutes, I took 40 min). I got to hold Evan for the first time. He was taken off of the CPAP and is on the canula now. He's doing better but apparently not so great with eating. His stomach needs to mature more so there is an IV in his foot/leg. He has gotten a lot more vocal which the nurses tell me is good (he has made a peep all the times I visited). Today I heard him raise a good fuss. Both babies are on the photo therapy blankets though Evan got a really big blue light on him. Their bilirubin counts are going down with is good. Sean is also progressing. He is taking 20 ml of milk at each feeding in his feeding tube. He is off of the oxygen altogether and was placed in an isolette. He is looking good!
I took a little video of Evan but as soon as I hit record, he got quiet on me!
I took a little video of Evan but as soon as I hit record, he got quiet on me!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Baby Blues

Well both of the boys are jaundice so they are on photo therapy blankets (which are usually blue). Gretchen also had one of the blankets for a few days when she was born so it's no big deal. Evan was taken off of the ventilator today and put on a CPAP machine. It's a little mask he wears over his nose. Today's picture of Evan is very blue because of the blanket. Steve got to hold Sean finally and it made for some cute pictures. We're anxious to hold Evan - maybe tomorrow. We want to see him on room air soon as well. It was very hard leaving them today at the hospital. I feel like a piece of me is missing but I know it's a blip in time so I will be patient. On a lighter note, I think Gretchen is happy I am home (though she keeps hitting me in my tender midsection!)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Slow and Steady Wins the Race
Sean and Evan are doing well. Today Sean was taken off of the CPAP machine and just has a little oxygen in his nose. I got to hold him for the first time. The nurse told me he is a little spunky! It was great to hold him and very touching. Evan is doing better but is not progressing as fast as Sean. He is still on a ventilator but may move to a CPAP machine tomorrow. I go home tomorrow so it will be hard leaving them but I will visit a lot. They don't want us to stimulate the boys too much while they are hooked up to machines but they encourage us to hold their hands or feet or lay our hands on their body and hold still. It was amazing to see them breathe better and calm themselves the minute I put my hands on them. Truly amazing....
I would also like to take this opportunity to say thank you. So many friends and family members have emailed us or facebooked us to say congrats and send prayers. We feel truly blessed to have such good friends and support. I cannot describe how comforting your prayers and thoughts have been for us. Thank you!
I will continue to post updates on the boys here especially during their hospital stay but even after that. Remember to bookmark it and you can check for updates whenever you want!
I would also like to take this opportunity to say thank you. So many friends and family members have emailed us or facebooked us to say congrats and send prayers. We feel truly blessed to have such good friends and support. I cannot describe how comforting your prayers and thoughts have been for us. Thank you!
I will continue to post updates on the boys here especially during their hospital stay but even after that. Remember to bookmark it and you can check for updates whenever you want!
Birth Day July 22nd
Due to complication, we gave birth to the boys today. We welcome Evan Daniel (3lb 14oz 17in) and Sean Thomas (4lb 6oz 17in) to our family. They will both need to stay in the hospital for a few weeks while they mature enough to go home. Both Mom and the babies are doing ok... (I am too)
Here are some pictures
Here are some pictures
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