Sunday, September 21, 2008

Feeder and Grower

There is a preemie term "feeder and grower" for babies who just need to eat and gain weight to get out of the NICU. My boys seem to be doing just that at home.... They are eating four ounces at every feeding and seeming to be growing extra chins. Sean is up to 8 lbs and 6 oz while Evan is at 7 lbs 6 oz. Evan is still a pound lighter and an inch shorter after their two month appointment with the pediatrician. The schedule is still pretty rough - they sleep at the most 4 hours at a time but usually not. Steve and I are splitting it so I can keep my sanity. He lets me sleep from 9pm to 11pm or 12am and then I take the rest of the night so he can sleep (he is back to work and I am not). I am hoping they sleep longer by the time I go back to work but I am not holding out too much hope. The doctor says they are doing good for their age and seem to be thriving. We are relieved.... My sisters are coming to visit in a few weeks so I am excited.... It is good to have visitors at least for a little while!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Still Standing

I know I haven't posted lately because well, frankly, I have been trying to sleep when we are not taking care of the babies and Gretchen. Finally today I figured I need to get back to reality (what day is it?) and post some pictures. Both boys are doing good - gaining weight, sleeping, etc. They are still eating every three hours and now that Steve is back to work, I am doing nights with them. If it were one baby, it would be so easy but it takes an hour to feed two babies. Only Sean has got the hang of nursing but sometimes I don't have that kind of time if Evan is crying his heart out to get fed at the same time.... I feeling more myself - that first week was a doozy! I don't know when a family of five will feel "normal" but I am looking forward to Halloween when Gretchen will be The Cat in the Hat and the babies will be thing one and thing two... Hee!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The House Time Forgot

What a homecoming! I knew it would be a lot of work but really the main problem is sleep deprivation. Steve and I are feeding the babies in shifts. He gets the 11pm to 3am, I get the 3am to 7am. We have swapped with each other but neither shift is all that easy to do. I am going to miss Steve when he goes back to work. Steve's mom said she could come over so I can get a nap once Steve goes back to work. I will be taking her up on that! Hopefully they will be sleeping longer when I go back to work next month... While we are trying to "enjoy this time" (that is the advice everyone gives you about babies), having twins really complicates that advice. People also advise to "sleep when the baby sleeps" which we try to do but with twins, you are usually feeding the other baby while one is sleeping. We are thankful however to have them home so we can get on with our lives even if that means no sleep. We are really trying to get to know the babies and get down their rhythms and routines.

Anyway, the boys are doing good. The monitors are cumbersome but we are happy to have them. Sean has had a few episodes mostly around feedings (which the NICU told us to turn them off during feedings). We are adjusting to a family of five, especially Gretchen. She is giving them kisses and pats but she doesn't understand how delicate they are so we cannot leave her unattended for any amount of time with the babies (which can be exhausting). I think we were all relieved to get her out of the house this weekend for a birthday party for one of her friends.

Speaking of birthdays, Steve's birthday was yesterday. I got him twin boys! Can't take them back..... Hee!

Sorry I have been late to respond to phone calls and emails. Obviously I have my hands full. Just know that we appreciate all the kind words, meals, emails and gifts.

Check out the most recent pictures....