Wednesday, November 27, 2013


So we made the mistake of telling the kids about our annual trip to the water park.  This is the third year in a row that we've done it. The first year was a fluke, we only went one night to see how they would like it. Needless to say but they loved it! Last year we went there but didn't tell them and they were begging us to stay.  Evan kept telling me we could run to the store to buy some bathing suits (he's a problem solver indeed).  We told them we were just getting information so we could plan a trip in the future. When we pulled up and started unpacking the car, the shouts of joy could be heard a block away.  This year we told them in September so we heard about this trip for days and days. Evan actually slept with the water park brochure that came in the mail.  Evan was finally tall enough to ride some of the bigger water slides.  Sean was his typical self:  he enjoyed the splashing water for about an hour and was done with it.  He did however love the hot tub.  I have the dry skin to prove it since we had several trips to the hot tub.  The lazy river was a favorite for all of us since it was a chance to get away from the constant spraying water.....  My favorite is the wave pool but Gretchen scoffed at having to wear a life jacket.  Sigh.... she'll understand when she has her own kids someday.

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