We took the boys, Gretchen, Steve's sister and niece camping this week to Devil's Lake WI. The boys were great for the drive to the park but I suspect that's because they were able to get a bottle while we waited for the Merrimac Ferry. We brought two play yards with us and two hanging high chairs plus the stroller so we could change their scenery up a little. We weren't going to let them crawl on the ground (Sean puts everything in his mouth right now) so they spent a lot of time in the play yards. Luckily it was warm enough to go the beach so they got to roll around in the grass for a while. Sean took a nap but Evan got to go in the lake with us. The girls really enjoyed the beach - the lake water was so clean and clear that it was fun just sitting in it and digging for rocks. We also brought baby backpack carriers so we could take the boys hiking but it didn't work out. The timing of the hike was later in the evening and they just were not up for it. We took a little hike the next morning but decided against trying the backpacks. I think it might have worked but I didn't have the energy for it that morning. We want to make this camp trip an annual tradition at least for the five of us since we love Devils Lake so much. I think next year will be a lot better - the boys will be walking and talking! While I wouldn't do this with babies again, it was a good trip. Check out the pictures we took!